Organic Print Studio Organic Certification

The BUD Logo is displayed as a stamp of integrity, and is the only symbol that consumers widely recognise. The BUD represents everything that Australian organics is about – the growth and promise of spring, the sign of big things growing from the initial organic movement, and the strength and logic of nature and natural (biological and organic) systems in guiding our choices in life.

How does it work?

The BUD reassures consumers that all the product ingredients have been certified to the Australian Certified Organic Standard and have met rigorous certification checks. It can only be used on packaging for products which have achieved certification through ACO’s certification scheme. Most importantly, the BUD represents Australia’s leading certification program – ACO – ensuring integrity of organic products in the marketplace for consumers.

The Australian Certified Organic Standard is one of the most respected and rigorous standards in the world for organic production, and is published by organic industry not-for-profit representative group, Australian Organic.

ACO is approved and accredited to act as a certifier in Australia by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources as compliant to the National standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce.

What is Organic?

Whole systems approach
Organics is not just “chemical free”. It is a whole systems or holistic means of growing and handling food. The whole system is linked – Soil. Plants. Animals. Food. People. Environment.

Certified Organic products are grown and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilisers, or GMO’s.

Organic is an innovative method of farming and production – and is increasingly being recognised as being on the leading edge of food and fibre technology.

Why Certified Organic?

  • Guaranteed

    In order to guarantee that products are organic, they need to be certified. Organic certification involves auditing an operation’s methods to ensure that they comply with the guidelines of organic production.

    Over 70% of organic certified operators in Australia are granted permission to use the ACO logo, which we affectionately refer to as the “BUD”.

  • Rigorous standards

    Standards setting follows a highly transparent process with the industry’s key stakeholders providing input via approx. a dozen Australian Organic Advisory Groups. These standards are upheld by rigorous auditing of operations and a third party report reviewing process.

    This process itself is audited by government departments and authorities worldwide for ACO to maintain its accreditation as an international certifier.

  • All links in the chain

    Wholesalers, retailers and consumers alike all know that the BUD logo is their guarantee of organic integrity. Every step of the process (from paddock to plate) must be audited according to the Organic Standard to be able to market a product using the sought-after organic BUD logo.

  • Market advantage

    Educated consumers are happy to pay a fair price for the guarantee that the organic produce they purchase is supporting farmers who aim towards ecologically sustainable practices – looking after the environment we all share. The only way you can be assured you are buying genuine, organic products is to purchase those certified with Australian Certified Organic.

    The ACO Certification Ltd BUD can only be used on packaging of products which have achieved certification through our certification scheme. Certified operators can apply to use the BUD on their promotional material to support their organic claims.

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